Global Cleantech Cluster Association: Heliotrop in the 2012 Later Stage Award Top 30 finalist

Paris, September 6th 2012.Heliotrop (www.heliotrop.frtoday announces that it has been chosen by the Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) as a 2012 Later Stage Award Top 30 finalist, one among 3 Finalist in Solar Sector. Inclusion in the GCCA Global Top 30  reflects the business growth and market position of the company in the Solar Sector, and signifies its novel approaches and technologies are making an impact in the consistently-rising green economy. Heliotrop was nominated for the GCCA Later Stage Award in May 2012 by French Cleantech Association ( for its 1024-sun High Concentrated PhotoVoltaics technology. Heliotrop business model, market position, and potential at creating and securing market traction (among other criteria) qualified it to be a GCCA Later Stage Award 2012 Global Top 30 Finalist. 

Winners of the 2012 GCCA Later Stage Award will present their companies at the Savannah International Clean Energy Conference (November 11- 13). The 2012 Later Stage Award is sponsored by Deloitte.  The event is set to be a global gathering of the top-tier cleantech and energy professionals from across the globe. Keynotes and panel topics will explore the significance and worldwide impact of clean energy independence, clean technologies and economic growth. The conference is presented in collaboration with CleanTech ConnectionsThe Pendleton Consulting Group, Stephen Green, incoming chair of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and Watershed Capital Group,

“The Top 30 companies have a proven track record of promoting and increasing the use of green technology in their home markets,” adds Shawn Lesser, Co-Founder of the GCCA. “With a goal to advance the global use of clean energy and products, we are committed to spotlighting these innovative companies on a world stage.”

The GCCA Later Stage Award Global Top 30 Finalists were selected out of the 4000 companies represented by the GCCA’s 45 member clusters. The Top 30 finalists were screened for investment grade using a Keystone Method™, a business and venture development tool that has been reliably used since 2006. The Keystone Method was developed by GCCA Head Judge Dr. Peter Adriaens and CleanTech Acceleration Partners at the University of Michigan.

“Choosing 30 companies out of this year’s 200 nominations was an extremely competitive process,” said Ben Taube, Chairman of the GCCA. “These Top 30 Finalists represent a premier group of rising stars in the clean technology industry.” replica rolex us

“Being recognized as one of the top 3 company in the world in the solar field is a great achievement for Heliotrop, its employees, management and key partners. The Late Stage Award is a tough competition led by GCCA. All of us are incredibly proud of this selection, seen as a milestone in our international development” said Paul Bellavoine, Heliotrop managing director.

A full list of all the GCCA Later Stage Award 2011 Global Top 30 Finalists can be found at:

About Heliotrop

Heliotrop is a French company developing a high concentration photovoltaic module (HCPV) manufacturing programme. Through the use of lenses, sunlight is concentrated on small high efficiency solar cells (triple junction). This process nearly doubles the efficiency of PV systems and brings high savings in solar plant installation costs. Heliotrop’s replica horloges technology, based on a high level of solar concentration and a low cost manufacturing approach,  offers attractive returns for large power plants, ensured through a higher efficiency and lower installation cost compared to other solar technologies. Multiple innovation award winning Heliotrop is coordinating a €44M investment programme partially funded by French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME).

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About the Global Cleantech Cluster Association

Global Cleantech is a non-profit association, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.  that creates conduits for companies to harness the tremendous benefits of international cleantech cluster collaboration in an efficient, affordable, and structured way.  Global Cleantech provides a gateway for established and emerging cleantech companies to gain exposure to potential investors, new markets, influential networks, innovative technologies and best practices. GCCA was founded by the Finnish Cleantech ClusterSkipsoswisscleantechTechnica Communications and Watershed Capital Group. For more information about Global Cleantech, please visit

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